About us

If you’ve every seen Pinky and The Brain, you pretty much already know us. We are two Best friends (Keith and Veronica) who are always looking for solutions to every problem we run into in business. Rain, sleet, hail, snow, set back, or draw back we are back at it again in the morning.

I will tell you, skinned knees as a child heal a lot faster than skinned knees as an adult. We can only thank God that as adults we are stronger. When Hutch (which is what I call Keith) asked “what do you want to do today V” (which is what he calls me) my response is “the same thing we do everyday Pinky, try to brand the world”.

Hutch and I became partners in each other’s first businesses. We bought into each other’s vision; each filling in the gaps where the other one was lacking. Keith is the risk taker, the "we don’t need bungee cords to climb trees V nor do we need a life vest in 4ft of water", the "let’s jump off this building, I believe we can fly” type. Then there is me, the prudent one, the "You don’t know if we need bungee cords or not, we ain’t never climb that tree before, and just because it says 4ft doesn’t mean it really is, the 0 can be faded that could be 40 ft and you know, I believe I can fly was just a song right.” I sound boring huh... well, somebody has to be the voice of reason, so I guess it will be me. I’m Veronica aka the Brains of the operations. I do the research, keep us focused and come up with the great ideas. He’s the artist, he executes. That means, he gets shit done! We are both artists, we just on different types of canvas. He started a business (which we now co-own) called Brand180. He creates brands, logos, websites, flyers, business cards, and now T-shirts. Talk about picking my best friend wisely. I know y’all can’t see it but I just did an air jump shot and it was nothing but net, (Swoosh).  Anything dealing with graphics he is your guy!

Oh and get this he is self taught for the most part with a degree in English. He helped start Black Ink Monks a poetry club at Johnson C. Smith University that is still going strong today. I think he saw his life being like Lorenz Tate in Love Jones, doing something with music in the day and spending his free time at open mics, reciting poems and speaking Black Love at night. Hearing snaps of praise followed by “that’s deep my brother”.

I don't get it but, oh well, Free Shrugs. Now me, I’m the voice of reason but quite the fire cracker, the controversial one. Controversy isn’t always a bad thing. I truly have a big heart, “I’m not a killer but don’t push me” (in my Tupac) voice. I can admit I am an Acquired Taste. I’m a Cosmetological Engineer with the business I started, Certified Head Turner (which we now co-own). My canvas, hair and I have a background in business, marketing, and Christian Counseling. I imagined a life as a wife and mother of four. What can I say... well at least I have a dog.

Life doesn’t always go as planned and as long as you learn to be okay with that, things will be okay. It’s the same with business.

If you’re wondering how we mastermined this business, well like I told you in the beginning when we run into a problem we always try to find a solution, or in this case become the solution.

I wanted to have shirts made for Certified Head Turner but every where I looked had a high minimum order requirement. 500 shirts, 1000 shirts and I’m just like, I don’t know that many people let alone do that many peoples hair. The truth is if we have 100 clients maybe 20 will buy a shirt and that’s if I’m really lucky. Finally I found someone who would do them and while their minimum was lower, it was still high for me. I wanted them, so I had to pay the piper. I also wanted to have a variety of different shirts for our guest to choose from, but the piper was getting too expensive and not at all profitable. So I was like, "You know what, I’ll make my own damn shirts”. I told Hutch, and he said “You know I use to work for a shirt company right.”

Oh, I neglected to tell you I have that my best friend has done everything and worked everywhere. I just look at him like, there is no way you are not 75 with all this life experience in you. Needless to say we talked about it and decided we wanted to be what I couldn’t find for myself, for other people; what I couldn’t find for our business, for other small businesses. The shirt companies that had minimum orders of 500 said they were for the small businesses. Insert shocked face, grabs chest because I’m appalled. If you really have, or have ever had a small business you know most things are actually set up for big and medium sized businesses.

Allow me to introduce us, WE are for the itty bitty business committee. Our minimum t-shirt order is ONE. What size do you need boo, what color, what fit? Okay great, what would you like it to say? We got you covered”. We wanted to be able to customize a shirt for YOU! Your parties, your company,  your family reunions, your bridal party, your groomsmen, your baby shower, your 40th birthday. "Because my man is a king and I’m a queen" or vice verse, "Just because I saw some fly ass instagram quote and I want it on a t-shirt." Whatever your need we have you covered.

We also offer several collection lines of our own. We bring our lives to you, how we feel about things, what we enjoy, things we saw, or see, how we perceive things, our outlook on life, our disagreements, my sarcastic sense of humor, his romantic, sultry love poems, and our shared love for God. We put it all on a shirt. For example while driving to Atlanta one day Hutch was working on an idea he had for a shirt, this isn’t something that happens often so I let him work, excited to see what he came up with. Understand Doubt is Overrated. I liked the concept but the way he wrote understand wasn’t working for me so I told him how he should write it and I explained why, after all I am the brain. I do know what’s best. However he had a very good explanation for why I could be wrong; so we took it to the streets. We sent it to my friends, his friends, and social media. My friends agreed with his side, his friends agreed with my side. Instead of writing them all off knowing we’d eventually need them to get the sales, to get the business rolling ,we chalked it up to perception and a shirt was born. It’s our shirt we call the Conversation Stater. Two ways of writing understand... which would you choose? Tag us on IG and  tell us what you INK.

We named the company Something to Ink About for two reasons, we really wanted to give you something to thINK about on your apparel , and he would not let me go with Pinky and the Brain. Oh well, we present to you what we INK about. If you agree order a shirt, if you don’t, order it for a friend. Regardless we love you, we appreciate you, and thank you for visiting our site.


In short: We create custom shirts to give people a voice. Our shirts are a reflection of pop culture, iconic moments, inspirational quotes, and everyday conversation. People say things and don't even realize the power of their words. Something to Ink About is the people's company. It has both edge and style. It's where creativity and fashion collide!


Let our apparel be perfect solution to your next thought.